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Gregg Kellys' "off the record" talk with trump - Trumps not worried!

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

Due to the continuous and unprecedented censorship from Big Tech, millions of Donald Trump supporters haven't heard a word from him - his twitter account was permanently suspended not too long ago because of the January 6th riots, he was accused of inciting violence, however, they are completely fine with allowing Maxine Waters to have a platform even though she was on video telling people to "harass" Trump supporters.

There has been a lot of speculation saying that Trump is planning on returning to politics, however it is unclear what his immediate plans are.

We've recently learned that he's been continually working from his Mar-a-Lago resort or as he calls it, "the winter White House" and that he also formed the "Office of the Former President".

Gregg Kelly, an American television host on Newsmax was recently able to spend some time with Trump. Because the interaction was "off the record," Gregg was very reluctant to get into detail regarding what the topic of conversation between the former President and him was, however, he did reveal that Trump was in "high spirit" and "looking great". As we know, Trump has been out golfing a lot lately and in a report from the sun, he tells fellow journalist "we'll do something, but not just yet."

This has left many to wonder what Trumps' plan for the future could contain. But for a man who just had an election stolen from him, he looks completely relaxed.

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