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President Biden Against the working class

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

In less than two weeks President Biden has signed over 40 executive orders - most of which have had a detrimental impact on the working class; cancelling the Keystone XL permit, his plan to increase the minimum wage to $15/hour (HBO estimates four million jobs will be lost), freezing Former President Trumps' executive order on lowering the cost of EpiPens and Insulin, giving amnesty to millions of illegals, etc. And its become further evident that President Biden doesn't stand for the people, but rather; Wall Street, big pharma, big tech, multinational billion-dollar hedge funds, China, and the list goes on.

Big Pharma despised Donald J. Trump as most of his policies and executive orders sought to lower costs in medicare by utilizing trade agreements and linking the costs of certain medicines to cheaper prices in other developed countries, however, many of these goals acheived by the Trump administration have been wiped out with "the stroke of a pen".

The canceling of the Keystone XL doesn't only contribute to the growing pandemic of unemployment and the inevitability of an economic collapse - but also makes the US way more dependent on foreign countries via trade agreements, for oil. Conclusively, driving up the price of gasoline.

Clip below: worker lost his job due to Biden

Furthermore, Many of President Bidens' policies advocate for open borders and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration harms the economy in many ways, one predominant example is that they're considered cheap labor which is a situation that these big corporations may take advantage off. This takes Jobs from American citizens and legal immigrants -which causes more people to claim jobless benefits. This is all making the inevitability of an economic recessesion evermore likely.

Unsecure borders also allows for easy drug smuggling and human trafficking.

President Biden has also made the executive decision to enter the US back into the Iran Nuclear Deal. This was a preliminary framework agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and a group of world powers (EU & P5+1) that was reached during the Obama administration in 2015. This deal funnelled millions of dollars to Iran and is instead putting America last.

In addition, there is no profit in peace, President Biden made the decision to send troups back into Iraq. Former President Trump pulled the soldiers out when his administration was in office as he noticed we should primarily be focusing on protecting the US from existential threats and protecting the borders.

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