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Matt Gaetz willing to quit Congress over Trump impeachment facade

Matt Gaetz, a US representative and America First leader, has offered to give up his Congressional seat to defend former President Donald Trump during his impeachment trial.

Despite many members of the RINO GOP exposing themselves for being "swamp dwellers", politicians like Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. Marjorie Green are showing through their actions that Americans shouldn't feel totally 'discouraged'.

Representative Gaetz defended Trump during the first impeachment and is now back for round two, willing to put it all on the line in order to defend a harsh miscarriage of justice.

Impeachment has become a political tool for the establishment - using it as an attempt to remove a President who stands for the people. This time they want to utilize impeachment to stop him running in 2024.

From the daily caller:

"Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said wednesday that he would resign from congress in order to defend former President Donald Trump in his upcoming impeachment trial"

Matt Gaetz in a recent interview accused Democrats of trying to "cancel" not only Trumps presidency but the "America First" movement he sparked.

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