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Did Trump incite the January 6th riot according to law? HINT: NO

As is obvious to everyone at this point; the Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy the fundamental constitutional values as to which makes America great. They have systematically been removing people's constitutional liberties in order to turn America further and further into a fascist state. What's the first good job of a tyrannical leader? Its to force people to obey. And how do you do that? Well, through the use of censorship. By controlling the flow of information, by controlling the information people sees and have access to. These big tech monopolies have too much power and control, this was demonstrated through the de-platforming of a then-sitting US President (Donald Trump) and the removal of a contender (Parler) which breached major anti-trust laws. With all this, the Democrats are further digging themselves a hole by exposing the current corruption within Washington - they are trying to impeach a now-private citizen.

When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 the Democrats instantly got to work trying to remove him from office - first with the phony Steele dossier, and the appointment of an illegitimate special counsel to investigate "collusion" between Trump and Russia (regulations state that a "specific factual crime" must be announced for the appointment of a special counsel - this was not done as "collusion" is not a crime and the MSM hasn't actually asked what crimes been "committed").

And now Trumps term has ended but that isn't stopping the Democratic establishment from further trying to impeach him a second time. Luckily, Trump was acquitted on all charges as he did nothing wrong. The house managers knew this - which is obvious because they doctored evidence. And as many have pointed out, in law school one of the main things you are taught is that if one bit of evidence has been doctored then it is right to assume that all the evidence has been doctored and that then becomes inadmissible in court.

Where do we start? Well, first we need to look up the legal meaning behind the word "incite". According 18 U.S. Code § 2102:

As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

If you watched the full unedited & untrimmed clip of Trump where he says that "we're gonna walk down to the Capitol and we're going to cheer on our brave Senators, Congressmen & women. And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them... I know that soon everyone here is going to be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically protest." After careful examination, it's pretty clear that Trump did not encourage, urge, or instigate anyone to riot. He did, however, express his views that the election was rigged and that the Senators and Congressmen & women ought to only count the legal ballots. Even if this is the reason why the riot happened, former President Trump is protected under the first amendment as well as the definition section of 18 U.S. Code §2102, which allows for "advocacy of ideas" or "expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any acts or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts" as displayed above.

What I find remarkable is that while Trump isn't allowed to rally people together to (in his word) "peacefully and patriotically" protest but Democrats like Maxine Waters can call for members of the Trump cabinet to be harassed or MSNBC Host Nicole Wallace can call for drone strikes on private citizens (Trump supporters) is completely fine? This should display the obvious & blatant hypocrisy that is constantly coming from the left; "one rule for thee but not for me".

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