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Biden more focused on amnesty for illegals than jobs for working class

As we've previously explained in multiple articles on this website, the Joe Biden administration is axing jobs with their "eco-friendly" and fundamentally-flawed policies; whether this is the cancelling of the Keystone XL or the elimination of fracking.

Mainstream news sources such as the financialpost falsely claimed that the Biden administration could see "record employment growth" despite the fact Joe Biden killed up to 70,000 jobs on his first day in office (record job loss) and hasn't as-of-yet offered any "green" jobs to the members of the working class that have been adversely affected by these policies and made redundant.

According to a report from Breitbart;

"Biden’s proposal to eliminate fracking, 'transition from the oil industry,' and achieve 'zero emissions' by 2035 would adversely impact nearly every sector of Michigan’s economy, starting with the jobs directly related to the oil and gas industry."

Allowing illegals to stay and come into the US will further have a detrimental impact on the working class as big companies and corporations view these illegals as "cheap labour" thus taking more jobs away from American citizens. I don't see how any of this can have a positive effect on the employment growth of the country as falsely claimed by the financialpost.

Senator Josh Hawley claimed that Biden is "more focused" on giving these illegals amnesty than focusing on the inevitable economic disaster America is facing. Last week, Democrat Senator Bob Mendez introduced legislation to parliament that would, in effect, legalize and eventually provide around 10 to 20 million illegals amnesty, eventually rewarding and providing them with an American Citizenship - remember that these are people who have broken the law.

This should show you the diverse "America Last" policies Biden and his team are systematically implementing into

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